Letter from the Acting Chancellor & Dean and Acting Provost & Academic Dean

To Our Distinguished Bar Examinees,

We write to wish you the very best of luck on the Bar Exam – as if you needed it! You will crush this thing!

Go in with confidence and total commitment. It has been our experience in our collective 55 years of experience grading exams that we can hear the confidence in our students’ answers. It is all about attitude. Just like answering questions in class, or appearing before a judge, your audience will adjust its measure of you by how much you believe in yourself. You have the wherewithal to more than handle this exam. Let ’em hit you with their best shot, because you got this thing covered!

You were admitted to law school because you had the smarts and the raw talent to excel. In three years of law school, you have developed the skills – analytical, writing, problem-solving, and reasoning – to succeed not only on the Bar Exam, but as a practicing lawyer. Be sure to get plenty of sleep, to eat properly, and to breathe slowly and deeply! Everything else will take care of itself.

Please know that we are unconditionally proud of you. Case closed.

Warmest Regards,
David Faigman & Evan Lee