
Kate E. Bloch, “Virtual Reality: Prospective Catalyst for Restorative Justice,” 58 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 285 (2021).

Scott Dodson, “In-State Invocation of Diversity Jurisdiction: Theories,” Academia Letters No. 844 (2021). (refereed).

Scott Dodson, “Texas v. Pennsylvania and the Political-Question Doctrine,” 2021 University of Illinois Law Review Online 141 (2021).

Chimène Keitner, “Prosecuting Foreign States,” Virginia Journal of International Law (2021).

Chimène Keitner, “The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Coronavirus, and Addressing China’s Culpability, Part II: Questions for the Record–Benefits to the United States from Foreign Sovereign Immunity,” Harvard National Security Journal Online (2021).

David Levine, Civil Procedure in California: State and Federal (St. Paul: West Academic, 2021 ed.).

David Levine, O’Connor’s California Practice: Civil Pretrial (Houston: Thomson Reuters, 2021 ed.).

Leo Martinez, Insurance Law (Ninth Edition, West Publishing 2021) (with Douglas Richmond).

Karen Musalo, “El Salvador: Root Causes and Just Asylum Policy Responses,” 18 Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal 178 (Summer 2021).

Jessica Vapnek, “Regulatory and Legislative Framework for Novel Foods,” in Food Formulation: Novel Ingredients and Processing Techniques (with Kai Purnhagen and Ben Hillel) (2021).

Works Accepted

Hadar Aviram, “Bad Role Models? American Influence on Israeli Criminal Justice Policy,” Miami International and Comparative Law Review (forthcoming 2021).

Hadar Aviram, “Bottleneck: The Place of County Jails in California’s COVID-19 Correctional Disaster,” Hastings Journal of Crime and Punishment (forthcoming 2021).

Hadar Aviram, “The Center Cannot Hold: Zoom as a Potemkin Village,” Florida International University Law Review (forthcoming 2021).

Hadar Aviram, “Standing Trial for Lily: How Open Rescue Activists Mobilize Their Criminal Prosecutions for Animal Liberation,” Green Criminology and the Law (forthcoming 2021).

Kate E. Bloch, “Untangling Right from Wrong in Insanity Law: of Dogs, Wolves, & God,” 73 Hastings L. J. (forthcoming 2022).

Abe Cable, “Time Enough for Counting: A Unicorn Retrospective,” Yale Journal on Regulation Bulletin (forthcoming 2021).

Robin Feldman, “Negative Innovation: When Patents are Bad for Patients,” Nature Biotechnology (peer reviewed) (forthcoming 2021).

David Takacs, “We Are the River,” University of Illinois Law Review (forthcoming 2021).

Blog Posts, Op-Eds, Magazine Columns, and Amicus Briefs

Veena Dubal, “Sectoral Bargaining: Principles for Reform,” Medium (March 1, 2021).

Robin Feldman, “Drug companies keep merging. Why that’s bad for consumers and innovation,” Washington Post (April 6, 2021).

Chimène Keitner, “The Need for More Chris Stevenses: A Memorial Lecture at UC Law SF,” Just Security (April 23, 2021) (with Christina Ennis).

John Leshy, “The facts about the Antiquities Act and the courts,” The Salt Lake Tribune (April 19, 2021).

Dorit Reiss, “Employers can require workers to get authorized Covid-19 vaccines,” STAT (with Glenn Cohen and Carmel Chachar) (April 5, 2021).


Hadar Aviram presented, “Can Courts Fix the COVID-19 Prison Crisis?” at the UCLA Social Medicine Conference Webinar (April 17, 2021).

Hadar Aviram organized a Virtual Workshop on Contemporary Parole Research (coorganized with Simon Singer, Stuti Kokkalera and Beatriz Amalfi-Marques) (April 21-23, 2021).

Scott Dodson presented his paper “Personal Jurisdiction, Comparativism, and Ford” at a symposium hosted by Stetson Law Review (April 7, 2021).

Veena Dubal presented “The New Racial Wage Code” at the University of Michigan Faculty Symposium (March 25, 2021).

Veena Dubal presented “Gig Worker Organizing in the Pandemic” at the Northeastern Law Review Symposium (March 19, 2021).

Veena Dubal spoke on a panel on “How Tech Workers Can Whisteblow,” at the AI Now Institute, New York University (March 25, 2021).

Veena Dubal spoke on a panel on “AB5 to Prop 22,” WageIndicator Reshaping Work Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (March 26, 3021).

Veena Dubal presented “When Your Boss is an Algorithm,” at the EmTech Digital Conference (MIT Technology Review’s Annual Conference)  (March 25, 2021).

Veena Dubal spoke on a panel on “Industrial Work, Gig Work, and Work at the Margins,” at the Ohio State University Law Journal Symposium No Worker is Disposable (March 26, 2021).

Veena Dubal presented “‘Essential’ to Work: Achieving a Just Workers’ Bill of Rights” at the Northeastern University Law Review’s The Many Faces of Health Symposium (March 19, 2021).

Veena Dubal gave a talk on “The New Racial Wage Code” for the National Lawyers Guild’s DisOrientation Lunch Series at UVa School of Law (April 14, 2021).

Veena Dubal gave the Keynote Address, “The New Racial Wage Code,” at the Center for Digital Ethics & Policy (CDEP) Annual International Symposium (April 19, 2021).

Veena Dubal was in conversation with Naomi Klein on “Workers’ Rights in the Gig Economy,” at Rutgers University (April 21, 2021).

Jared Ellias presented “Government Activism in Bankruptcy” at the Hastings-Wharton Corporate Restructuring & Insolvency Seminar (April 9, 2021).

Jared Ellias presented “The Rise of Bankruptcy Directors” to the Financial Lawyers’ Conference.

Robin Feldman participated in a panel at NYU School of Law’s Center on Civil Justice: “Antitrust Series Regarding Healthcare Consolidation.”

Robin Feldman testified before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust for a hearing titled, “Treating the Problem: Addressing Anticompetitive Conduct and Consolidation in Health Care Markets.”

Nira Geevargis presented on a Teaching Roundtable, “What Works in My Class?” for the AALS Externships Teaching Methodologies Committee (April 9, 2021).

Nira Geevargis presented on the Timekeeping Lightning Session panel, “.5 Well-Spent,” at the AALS Clinical Conference (April 28, 2021).

Nira Geevargis co-facilitated the Externships Working Group and Annual Externships Committee Meeting at the AALS Clinical Conference (April 27 and 28, 2021).

Emily Murphy presented (with Judge Curtis Karnow) on the “Neuroscience of Memory in the Courtroom” for a lunch event with the Bar Association of San Francisco (April 22, 2021).

Karen Musalo was the featured speaker at an event on “Refugee and Asylum Protection: History, Trump Assault, Restoration,” sponsored by the Lamorinda Democratic Club.

Dave Owen gave the opening talk, “California Water Law: Future Challenges,” for a practitioners’ conference called California Water Law and Policy.

Joel Paul delivered the Law Day Address on “The Relevance of Chief Justice John Marshall,” to the U.S. Supreme Court Historical Society (April 29, 2021).

Radhika Rao presented a paper on “Covid-19 Restrictions, Religion Neutrality, and the Future of Free Exercise Clause Jurisprudence,” at a Symposium on First Amendment Values in Health Care, co-sponsored by the George Washington University Law School and the Milken Institute School of Public Health (March 12, 2021).

Reuel Schiller presented “Operating Manuals for the Administrative State: Counterculture Intellectuals and Regulatory Reform in Late Twentieth-Century America,” at the University of Minnesota Law School Legal History Workshop.

Reuel Schiller served as discussant at “Lessons from the New Deal” at Stanford University’s Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences.

Jodi Short workshopped her paper (with Michael W. Toffel and Ashley Palmarozzo), “Auditor Independence and Outsourcing: Aligning Incentives to Mitigate Shilling and Shirking,” at the Reading Group on Private Governance (April 22, 2021).

Gail Silverstein presented “Mediation Clinics: Responses, Redesign and Other Roles Post-COVID,” at the ABA Section on Dispute Resolution Annual Conference (April 17, 2021).

David Takacs presented “Rivers with Rights” at a Pacific McGeorge Law School Symposium, Rethinking International Law for the Age of the Anthropocene (April 9, 2021).

Grants and Awards

Jared Ellias’ California Law Review Article from last year, “Bankruptcy Hardball,” was named to the Corporate Practice Commentator’s List of the Top 10 Corporate and Securities Articles of 2020, out of 320 corporate law articles from last year. This is the highest honor that a corporate law article can win and the first time a UC Law SF professor has made the list.

Jessica Vapnek received $49,996.80 from the Pacific Community, an intergovernmental organization of countries in the South Pacific. The subcontract will cover preparation of an online asynchronous legislative drafting course on coastal fisheries and aquaculture and an accompanying article on the same topic. Alexandro Sauerwein (’20) will prepare the article.