UC Hastings is now UC Law SF
The law school is now known as University of California College of the Law, San Francisco or UC Law SF for short, after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 1936, which revised the California Education Code, striking the name “Hastings” from the school. The bill took effect on January 1, 2023 and reflects the name unanimously recommended by the College’s Board of Directors.
The College will begin migrating email addresses from @uchastings.edu to @uclawsf.edu the weekend of July 21, 2023. Beginning July 24, 2023, all future communications will be sent from the new email domain. Please take note that our old email address will be phased over time, but messages sent to the old email tenant will be automatically routed to the new mailbox to allow for a smooth transition. The url for the law school website will also transition from https://www.uchastings.edu to https://www.uclawsf.edu on July 24, 2023. Please update your address book and bookmarks at the end of July to reflect the changes and ensure that you continue to receive important updates and information. More information regarding the transition for current students, faculty and staff is available on Sharknet .
The name change is part of a larger restorative justice effort that began in 2017, in recognition of harms done by the school’s founder against the Yuki Indians in the Round Valley and Eden Valley Region. They include offering pro bono legal services to California Native tribes, opening an Indigenous Law Center at the school, and installing a permanent memorial space on the College’s campus, among others.

Chancellor & Dean David Faigman: Welcome to University of California College of the Law, San Francisco
January 1, 2023
It is with great pride that Chancellor & Dean David Faigman formally announces that as of January 1, 2023, the former UC Hastings College of the Law has a new name—University of California College of the Law, San Francisco.
Read the Chancellor’s full statement
The Time is Coming to Flip the Switch on Our New Name
November 14, 2022
It’s been a busy fall regarding our upcoming name change to UC Law San Francisco. I want to thank all of my colleagues for the immense amount of preparatory work that has gone into the logistics of the name change.
Read the Chancellor’s full statement
Governor Gavin Newsom Signs Bill to Rename UC Law SF
September 23, 2022
On September 23, 2022 California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law AB-1936, authored by Assembly member James C. Ramos, D-San Bernardino to rename UC Law SF and affirm the law school’s commitment to restorative justice initiatives in response to the history of its founder and first dean Serranus C. Hastings.
Read the Governor’s Press Release
Chancellor & Dean Faigman Announces Update Regarding Name Change: Lawsuit Filed by Small Group of Alumni and Descendents
October 4, 2022
I am following up on my last message to you, in which I announced that the Governor had signed Assembly Bill 1936 into law, allowing us to move forward with our name change in 2023.

Chancellor & Dean Faigman Celebrates Legislature’s Action on Passing Bill 1936 to Rename the College
September 23, 2022
I write to you today with further updates on our name change journey since my last message on July 27th and our commitment to restorative justice initiatives with the California tribes most impacted by the acts of our founder and first dean, Serranus Hastings.

Recognition and Reconciliation
UC Law SF will continue with its restorative justice efforts even long after our name has been changed.
Read more about the history and reconciliation effortsFAQs About the College’s New Name
UC Hastings changed its name to UC College of the Law, San Francisco in 2023. We are known generally as UC Law SF. Below are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions about our new name and the process leading up to this exciting announcement.
A: The new name is UC College of the Law, San Francisco, or UC Law SF, for short. The California State Senate and Assembly passed Assembly Bill 1936 in late August, which revises the California Education Code to the new name. The Governor signed AB 1936 on September 23, 2022. The bill took effect on January 1, 2023.
A: Assembly Bill 1936 took effect January 1, 2023. So, on January 1, we started using UC Law San Francisco/UC Law SF on all of our communications, while phasing out the use of UC Law SF across our campus, including converting all external, internal, physical, and virtual instances of our name to UC Law SF. There is a six-month name transition period from January 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023.
A: In November 2021, the College’s Board of Directors unanimously voted to remove “Hastings” from the College’s name in recognition of the harms done by the school’s founder against the Yuki Indians in the Round Valley and Eden Valley region. The Board reaffirmed that decision in June 2022 after further careful review of the historical record. Historical research sponsored by the College indicated that College founder and first dean Serranus C. Hastings funded and supported individuals who engaged in mass killings and other atrocities against the Yuki Indians, primarily from 1858 to 1860, around 20 years before he founded the College.
A: After numerous meetings, surveys, and hearings that sought input, the large majority of students, staff, faculty, and alumni preferred that the new name reflect the College’s geographic designation. The College has been located in San Francisco since its founding in 1878 and the new name captures the full breadth of what the law school represents. Located two blocks from San Francisco City Hall, at the intersection of the Civic Center, Tenderloin, and Mid-Market neighborhoods, the College is an integral part of the city in which it resides, and San Francisco is an integral part of the experience of studying at the College. It is also the uniform approach of the University of California and the California State University System to name its campuses by their geographic locations.
A: The name change took effect on January 1, 2023 and cannot be changed again without further action by the California State Legislature. The name UC College of the Law, San Francisco (UC Law SF for short) was chosen by the College’s Board of Directors after an extensive process and numerous meetings.
A: As of Jan 1, 2023, the name of the law school is UC Law San Francisco. It is okay when you are referring to the new name, to add that it was formerly known as UC Hastings.
A: The Board of Directors considered suggestions for a Yuki language name. However, doing so was not agreed upon, even among the Yuki people. Some Yuki descendants preferred no name change, supported a geographic designation, or a Yuki-language name. Additionally, leadership of the Ramaytush Ohlone, on whose ancestral lands the College is located, did not support a Yuki name and made clear that it would cause great offense to name a College on their ancestral land in another tribe’s language. After hearing from all of the law school’s constituencies (hundreds of emails and letter), including students, staff, faculty, administrators, alumni, and the California Native community, the Board of Directors believed it would be most appropriate that a geographic name be selected.
A: Besides changing its name, the College has been working on restorative justice measures with Round Valley Indian Tribes since 2017. That has included offering pro bono legal services to California Native tribes, opening an Indigenous Law Center at the school, and installing a permanent memorial space on the College’s campus. A comprehensive history of the issue and of the law school’s restorative justice efforts are included on the Recognition and Reconciliation page of the law school’s website. The College will continue to work closely with the affected tribes on restorative justice measures even after the renaming is completed.
Our new online store launched in mid-January. Check out all the cool new merchandise here.
Law school departments can use the six-month transition period, until June 30, to finish using/giving away their UC Hastings merchandise or leftover swag. However, departments should not order additional UC Hastings merchandise after January 1, as the goal is to finish distributing UC Hastings items ASAP during the transition period. New merchandise can be purchased at our new online store here.
A: Your school records, diploma, and alumni status remain the same. There is no need for you to get a new diploma. If alumni are interested in ordering a new diploma with the new name, they will have an opportunity to do so.
A: It is not necessary to reopen your estate documents merely for this purpose. However, if at any point in the future you are revising those documents, it would be a best practice to make the change then.
We have a new branding guide to guide the usage of our new logos and word marks. It is posted on our SharkNet Intranet page called Branding Guide. However, if you have any questions about how to use the new marks or logos, or where you can get materials you need, please reach out to the law school’s communication department: communications@uclawsf.edu
Stationery and business cards with the new email and website information may be ordered through the Business Center, which has the law school’s approved logos and wordmarks. Information about ordering is available on the law school’s Intranet site: SharkNet. Departments can contact the Business Center directly at dm.stationery@ucsf.edu or 415-565-4882.
We have officially moved our LinkedIn Page to: https://www.linkedin.com/school/uclawsf/
Starting June 1, we will cease updating the old profile and LinkedIn will begin the process of removing the school’s old profile. To be migrated over to the school’s new profile, you will need to manually update your LinkedIn education and employment from the old profile to the new profile or risk losing your connection to the school’s LinkedIn profile. Below are steps on how to link your profile to the new page:
Updating your education:
- Login to LinkedIn
- Go to your LinkedIn Profile, scroll down to the ‘Education’ section
- There should be a pencil icon for you to click under the ‘Education’ section
- Then click on the pencil icon on the corresponding education section you want to update
- Afterwards, you will be able to click on the ‘School’ text field, type in ‘University of California, College of the Law, San Francisco’ and click on the school’s LinkedIn Profile with the corresponding name
- Click save. Your education should be updated with the new school’s LinkedIn Page
Updating your employment:
- Login to LinkedIn
- Go to your LinkedIn Profile, scroll down to the ‘Experience’ section
- There should be a pencil icon for you to click and edit the ‘Experience’ section
- Afterwards, you will be able to click and update the ‘Company name’ field. Type in ‘University of California, College of the Law, San Francisco’ and click on the school’s LinkedIn Profile with the corresponding name
- Click save. Your profile should be now be updated and connected to the new page
A: On December 30, 2022, State Superior Court Judge Richard Ulmer denied a request from a small group of alumni and descendants of the law school’s founder to enjoin the law school from using its new name while their lawsuit is being heard. The College’s motion to dismiss their lawsuit entirely is now on appeal to the California Court of Appeal. The lawsuit was filed in Sept. 2022 seeking to stop the College from being renamed. The College has moved forward with the name change and is continuing its restorative justice efforts with the support of the campus community.
A: If you have additional questions about the school’s name change, please reach out to the law school’s communication department: communications@uclawsf.edu