Headshot of Kelly Weisberg

Kelly Weisberg

Professor of Law


Professor D. Kelly Weisberg received her undergraduate degree at Brandeis University, graduating Phi Beta Kappa with a double major in sociology and French literature. She later earned a Ph.D. in sociology from Brandeis University and a J.D. from the UC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall), where she served on the California Law Review. Professor Weisberg joined the UC Law SF faculty in 1982 after two years on the faculty at Washington University School of Law, St. Louis. Before that time, she participated in federally-funded studies of juvenile parole, justice prostitution, family violence, and child sexual abuse. She served as a consultant for the American Bar Association’s Women on Law Faculties Study, and the American Justice Institute’s National Juvenile Justice Assessment Center. She testified before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention on the relationship between runaway behavior and juvenile prostitution. She also worked as a legal intern at the International Commission of Jurists in Geneva, conducting legal research on the rights of children during the International Year of the Child.

At UC Law SF, Professor Weisberg served as Director of the Family Law Concentration from 2004-2007. She was the Director of the 3+3 Program between UC Law SF and UC Santa Cruz from 2015-2020. She is the author or co-author of several law review articles and books on the subjects of family law, domestic violence, children and the law, and feminist legal theory. Her most recent books are:  Modern Family Law:  Cases and Materials (Wolters Kluwer Publishing Co.. 7th ed. 2020); Domestic Violence Law (West Academic Pub. Co. 2019); and Domestic Violence:  Legal and Social Reality (Wolters Kluwer Publishing Co. 2nd ed. 2019).

Professor Weisberg has been a visiting professor at Boston University; Hebrew University; and the University of Florida Levin College of Law, Center on Children and Families, where she held the Hurst Distinguished Visiting Chair.

Selected Scholarship


Journal Articles

  • Innovative Legal Remedies for Coercive Control, 14 Fam. Intimate Partner Violence Q. 65 (2021) (with Julie Saffren). URL
  • Lethality Assessment: An Impressive Development in Domestic Violence Law in the Past 30 Years, 30 Harv. Women’s L.J. 211 (2019). FULLTEXT
  • Children’s Perspectives of Mothering in the Context of Domestic Violence: Recent Research Findings, 10 Fam. Intimate Partner Violence Q. 43 (Winter 2018). FULLTEXT
  • First Tribal Court Convicts Non-Native Abuser Under VAWA, 23 Domestic Violence Rept. 17 (Dec./Jan. 2018). URL
  • State Firearm Surrender Laws Lower Risk of Death, 23 Domestic Violence Rept. 24 (Dec./Jan. 2018). URL
  • Hidden Victims and Hidden Abuse: Clients of Hair Salons, 10 Fam. Intimate Partner Violence Q. 35 (Fall 2017). FULLTEXT
  • New Federal Regs Target Gender Bias, 21 Domestic Violence Rept. 33 (2016). FULLTEXT
  • Property Damage in the Domestic Violence Context, 22 Domestic Violence Rept. 17 (2016). FULLTEXT
  • Risk Assessment in Context, 21 Domestic Violence Rept. 69 (2016). FULLTEXT
  • Doctors Miss Signs of IPV in Certain Patient Groups, 19 Domestic Violence Rept. 49 (4) (with Elana Jacobs). URL
  • Karen Thompson’s Role in the Movement for Marriage Equality, 25 Hastings Women’s L.J. 3 (2014). FULLTEXT
  • Congressional Gridlock Blocked VAWA, 18 Domestic Violence Rept. 65 (2013). URL
  • Lindsay’s Legacy: The Tragedy That Triggered Law Reform to Prevent Teen Dating Violence, 24 Hastings Women’s L.J. 27 (2013). FULLTEXT HEIN
  • Teen Dating Violence: What Triggered the Law Reform Movement?, 18 Domestic Violence Rept. 35 (2013).
  • Professional Women and the Professionalization of Motherhood: Marcia Clark’s Double Bind, 6 Hastings Women’s L.J. 295 (1995). FULLTEXT
  • Children of the Night: The Adequacy of Statutory Treatment of Juvenile Prostitution, 12 Am. J. Crim. L. 1 (1984). FULLTEXT
  • Sexual Abuse of Children: Recent Developments in the Law of Evidence, 5 Children’s Legal Rts. J. 2 (1984). FULLTEXT
  • The “Discovery” of Sexual Abuse: Experts’ Role in Legal Policy Formulation, 18 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 1 (1984). FULLTEXT
  • Women in Law School Teaching: Problems and Progress, 30 J. Legal Educ. 226 (1979). FULLTEXT
  • Evolution of the Concept of the Rights of the Child in the Western World, 21 Int’l Commission Jurists Rev. 43 (Dec. 1978). FULLTEXT
  • Barred from the Bar: Women and Legal Education in the United States 1870-1890, 28 J. Legal Educ. 485 (1977). FULLTEXT
  • The Cinderella Children, 10 Psychol. Today 84 (1977).
  • “Under Greet Temptations Heer”: Women and Divorce in Puritan Massachusetts, 2 Feminist Studies 183 (1975).
  • Alternative Family Structures and the Law, 24 Fam. Coordinator 549 (1975). FULLTEXT
  • Coupling, Parenting and the Presence of Others: Intimate Relationships in Communal Households, 24 Fam. Coordinator 433 (1975) (with Rosabeth Moss Kanter & Dennis Jaffe). FULLTEXT
Chapters In Books

  • Collateral Damage: Discrimination in Failure-to-Protect Laws for Children’s Well-being, in Child Rights and International Discrimination Law: Implementing Article 2 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Marit Skivenes & Karl Harald Søvig eds., Routledge 2019).
  • In Harm’s Way: The Evolving Role of Domestic Violence in the Best Interests Analysis Implementing Article 3 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Best Interests, Welfare and Well-being 249 (Elaine E. Sutherland & Lesley-Anne Barnes Macfarlane eds., Cambridge Univ. Press 2016). CATALOG
  • The Adequacy of Specific Performance as a Remedy in Surrogate Parenting Cases, in Equity and Contemporary Legal Developments ___ (Stephen R. Goldstein ed., Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1992).
Book Reviews

  • Book Review, 47 Am. J. Orthopsychiatry 356 (1977) (reviewing John Rothchild & Susan Berns Wolf, The Children of the Counter–Culture (1976)).
Other Publications

  • Domestic Violence ReportCivic Research Institute (Editor 2012 -). CATALOG URL
Dissertations & Theses

  • Growing Up in the Presence of Others: A Study of Children and the Public Home Territory (June 1976) (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Brandeis University) (on file with the Brandeis Main Library).


  • University of California at Berkeley School of Law
    J.D., Law

  • Brandeis University
    Ph.D., Sociology

  • University of California, San Francisco
    M.A., Sociology

  • Brandeis University
    B.A., Sociology and French Literature

Selected Scholarship


  • Family Law
  • Domestic Violence Law
  • Stalking and the Law
  • Juvenile Justice Seminar
