Schedule of Events
4:15pm. (Triples Alley VIP reception) 6:45pm. (First Pitch)
Join us for a night at Oracle Park, home of the San Francisco Giants, with a special
VIP Party in Triples Alley at the stadium, two and a half hours before the game.
Tickets include unlimited food and beverages, field access with photography before the game, and reserved seating.
Purchase tickets here: https://law.uchastings.edu/site/Ticketing;jsessionid=00000000.app20020b?view=Tickets&id=100901&NONCE_TOKEN=7029D6C89133C0D4E8432EDE419CF24B
April 13, 2023
Alumni, faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to participate in a day of giving back to UC Law SF through service and treasure.
12:00-1:00 p.m. via Zoom
Join Chancellor and Dean David Faigman for a state of the law school.
Register here: https://uchastings.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwqf-usrzsrHNUVKM4dBGgjOtP68PeyYUBF
April 14, 2023 8:00am-1:30 p.m.
Alumni Reception Center
200 McAllister Street
UC Law SF can count among its alumni some of the most preeminent ADR practitioners and thought leaders, both in the Bay Area and beyond. Many of those alums took ADR courses and clinics, or competed on ADR moot court teams, offered though the Center for Negotiation & Dispute Resolution (CNDR). To commemorate its 20th Anniversary this year, the Center has organized a special event coinciding with the UC Law SF Alumni Week 2023. Please join us on the morning of April 14 (the same day as the All Alumni Party in SF City Hall) for two information-packed panels featuring leaders in the ADR profession as well as current students specializing in ADR.
Read more information and register here.
April 14, 2023
198 McAllister Street
10:00 am, 12:00 pm, 2:00 pm
Take an exclusive tour of the new 198 McAlister Street building
Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdD0DNGLnwL4agO-erwMUMu3Lk2q1RDF3842BdbSpa5PUivzg/viewform
April 14, 2023 6:00-8:00 p.m.
City Hall, San Francisco
The UC Law SF community is invited to the event of the year for a night of dancing, partying, beverages, and food at the iconic City Hall.
Purchase tickets here: https://law.uchastings.edu/site/Ticketing;jsessionid=00000000.app20020b?view=Tickets&id=100901&NONCE_TOKEN=7029D6C89133C0D4E8432EDE419CF24B
April 15, 2023 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Cotchett Law Center, 333 Golden Gate Avenue
Reunion Jazz Brunch honoring milestone celebrators (5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 55th, and 60th)
from the Classes of ’63, ’68, ’73, ’98, ’13, and ’18.
Reunion celebrators are invited to reconnect with classmates for a Jazz Brunch enjoying live music, strolling brunch bites, and mimosas on the Sky Deck of the Cotchett Law Center.
Celebrate Your Milestones
Make a donation to the UC Law SF community to ensure its continued success. In the drop down menu, select your class year giving page. Thank you for your support!

Attendee List
Lawrence Achorn
Amanda Alameddine
Natalie Alameddine
Zahra Alamire
Mario Andrews
Barbi Appelquist
Eman Ateyeh
Monica Ault
Angelica Ayar
Amy Bach
James Bach
Amardeep Bains
Erin Barlow
Joshua Baskin
Patrick Bears
Edward Beeby
Holden Benon
Megan Bettles
Sasha Bobrowicz
Debra Bogaards
Reade Bramer
Adriana Calderon
David Casarrubias
William Casey
Lauren Cesare
Samantha Chang
Ryta Chayka
Lilian Cheng-Smith
Oren Chikamoto
Susan Chung
Jill Cohoe
Eli Contreras
Anastasia Cooper
Kevin Costello
Timothy Cromartie
Janis Crum
Erin Dacayanan
Roderick Daly
Douglas Davidson
Jonathan Deason
Barbra Diallo
Eric Diiulio
Mark Dizon
Maria Dominguez
Elizabeth Dorman
Emily Doty Pendleton
Dana Drusinsky
Eric Dumbleton
Le Duong
Tyler Emory
Elizabeth England
R. Wade Estey
Alexandra Farley
William Faulkner
Steven Felderstein
John Fiero
Ana Flores
Donald Franson
Jennifer Fung
Judith Gallardo
Alex Garcia
Michael Gasbarro
Jenna Gavenman
Thomas Gede
Aaron Gest
Lisa Giarratano
Thomas Gibson
Ally Girouard
Grant Glander
Gianna Gruenwald
Thomas Hadid
Tessa Hammer
Zarrin Haque
Valencia Herrera
Rise Hirahara
Rachel Holloway
Emily Horne
David Innis
Gerardo Inzunza Higuera
Meredith Jaggard
Natasha Jha
Alicia Jovais
Ian Kanig
Jordan Karmann
Holden Keijer
Jenna Kelleher
Gary Kessler
Isam Khoury
Charlene Kiesselbach
Marilyn Klinger
Alfred Knoll
Joshua Korr
Kenneth Kovitz
Kelly Kraetsch
Natassia Kwan
Anna Lavenue
Alexis Lazzeri
Samantha Lee
Darin Leviloff
Jian Yuan Li
Erin Loback
Natalie Macias
Elizabeth Maggi
Thomas Maloney
Sabi Mand
Keenan Manetta-Dillon
Eileen Manning-Villar
Taric Mansour
Fabio Marino
Eugenee Mary Gary
Maria Mata
Adria Matthews
Nayeli Maxson
William McDonnell
Tanya McGregor
Veronica McGregor
Philip McLeod
Alice McTighe
Thomas Mesereau
Ari Messenger
Sharon Mettler
Lindsey Mignano
Timothy Mills
Negien Mirzai
Jamoa Moberly (Ret.)
Azra Moiyadi
Elizabeth Moore
Sara Moore
Theresa Moore
Frances Morgan
Lara Mouritsen
Kathleen Murray
Jonathan Myers
Lara Nelson
Mary Nguyen
Michael Nguyen
Sandi Nichols
Steven Nutter
Kevin O’Brien
Matthew Olhausen
Rodney Olsen
Catherine Ongiri
Allyson Ortega
Jerome Pandell
Hannah Park
Dane Patterson
Suhansi Perera
Andrew Perez
Allyson Pierce
Robin Pomerenke
Virginia Prugh
Maryam Quasto
Lacey Rainwater
Christina Reggio
Pei-Hsien Ren
Hayden Reynolds
Katherine Ritchey
Catherine Rivlin
Anthony Rodriguez
Isaac Rosen
Amanda Rosenberg
Amanda Roze
Emily Rubenstein
Kate Rundle
Kelly Sagaser
Esmeralda Santos
David Schnider
Anne Scott
Nithya Senra
Rahul Shekher
Ramy Shweiky
Lesley Siegel
Donald Slater
Martha Sottosanti
Brittany Stonesifer
Halley Thiel
David Thompson
Malinda Tuazon
Daniel Turner
Megan Unger
Felicia Vallera
Jerry Varnado
Virginia Villegas
John Weldon
Arthur Welton
Eric Wersching
Tommie Whitener
Matthew Williams
Stanley Witkow
Emma Wolfe
Ralph Yanello
Theodore Zayner
Andrew Zunt
Absolutely, when tickets go live, select alumni pricing for your guest.
Wonderful! Please visit our giving page here.
Yes, alumni may attend all events except for the milestone reunion jazz brunch. Spring Week was created to bring together the UC Law SF community, and we encourage alumni from near and far to participate.
Tickets to the Giants vs. Dodgers game will arrive in the week before the game via email. Please note that no paper tickets will be distributed; they will all be distributed via the MLB Ballpark app.
You may enter campus at either 333 Golden Gate Avenue or 200 McAllister Street.
UC Law SF has adopted a Vaccination Policy requiring a COVID-19 vaccination for all members of and visitors to campus. For a streamlined entry into campus, please follow these steps.
The UC Law SF garage is located at 376 Larkin Street between McAllister and Golden Gate. Parking validations will be available when you check-in for the event on the 5th Floor.
Please contact the Meredith Jaggard, Alumni Association Executive Director, with any inquiries at jaggardmeredith@uclawsf.edu