Student Resources

The UC Law SF Library offers a variety of services and resources tailored to students to assist them with their classwork and research.

General Research

  • Library Catalog: The UC Law SF Library Catalog is our search engine for finding books and journals in the UC Law SF Library, including articles and journals on HeinOnline, ProQuest Central, Jstor, and Academic Search Complete.
  • Casebooks: The Library purchases one copy of each required casebook for each JD course section. You may find casebook availability in the course catalog. The casebooks are available for 3-hour checkout at the Circulation Desk. These are not intended to serve as a replacement for students purchasing their own copy of the required text. In addition, some superseded editions of casebooks are available in the library’s main collection.
  • WorldCat: Connects library users to books at UC Law SF and libraries around the world, as well as records of journal articles, e-books, licensed databases, online periodicals and collections of digital items.  Connect to WorldCat to make Interlibrary Loan Requests for items not available through the UC Law SF Library Catalog.
  • Research Guides: Subject- and course-specific research guides prepared by UC Law SF research librarians.
  • Certificate in Legal Research Program: The Certificate in Legal Research Program is designed to provide law students of all ability levels with the research tools necessary for success in internships, externships, summer associate positions, etc. Attend live classes and complete online quizzes to earn a notation of completion on your transcript. Contact a Librarian for more information.
  • Non-GPA, for-credit advanced legal research courses are taught each semester.
  • A-Z Databases: List of research databases to which the library subscribes, as well as free research resources available online.

For individualized research assistance, please stop by the Reference Desk or contact the research librarians via chat or email.  You can also make an appointment for in-depth research assistance.