Headshot of Ugo Mattei

Ugo Mattei

Ray L. Sullivan Professor of Law

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Professor Ugo Mattei attended Law School of the University of Torino, J.D. (1983); UC Berkeley School of Law, LL.M., Fulbright Fellow (1989); and the London School of Economics Faculté Internationale de Droit Comparé, Strasbourg. He has been a visiting scholar at Yale Law School and the University of Cambridge (Trinity College and Wolfson College), and a visiting professor at Oslo, Berkeley, Montpellier, and Macau.

In 1985 he joined the law school of the University of Trento as an assistant professor and he received tenure as a full professor in 1990. In 1992 he was appointed as a professor in the Faculte’ Internationale de Droit Compare’ (Strasbourg), where he served for four years. In 1994 he was appointed to the Hastings faculty as the first holder of the Fromm Chair in International and Comparative Law, succeeding R.B. Schlesinger in teaching Comparative Law. He also teaches Political Economy of Law. In 1997 he accepted a call from the University of Turin, Faculty of Law to succeed the famous Italian scholar Rodolfo Sacco as the Chair of Civil Law.

He is a full member of the International Academy of Comparative Law, a Fellow at the European Law Institute, served as a member of the Executive Editorial Board of the American Journal of Comparative Law, is a founding editor of Global Jurist, a general editor to the Common Core of European Private Law since its beginning in 1993, and serves as the Academic Coordinator of the International University College of Turin.

He serves advisory roles in many academic institutions including the Friburg Institute of Comparative Law, the Austrian and the Romanian Societies of Comparative Law and the Institute of Law, Economics and Finances at Copenhagen Business School. He recently masterminded, as lawyer and an activist, the Italian campaign against the privatization of water, which was successfully completed in June 2011 with a national referendum in which more than 27 million Italians voted to endorse Professor Mattei’s scheme to recognize water as a common.

Professor Mattei’s work is highly interdisciplinary. He has published eighteen books and more than one hundred other publications in English, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Ukrainian. His most recent book, published in Italian, a manifesto for the commons, providing the theoretical basis for the current wave of resistance against neoliberalism in Italy, has reached the eighth edition in just six months.



Property Meeting the Challenge of the Commons (Springer 2023) (with Alessandra Quarta, Filippo Valguarnera, & Ryan J. Fisher) (Ius Comparatum: Global Studies in Comparative Law, vol. 59).

Common Core of European Private Law (Cambridge University Press 2018) (general series editor with Maruro Bussani).

Il modello di common law (Giappichelli 5th ed. 2018) (with Emanuele Ariano).

Punto di Svolta. Ecologia, Tecnologia e Diritto Privato. Dal Capitale Ai Beni Comuni (Aboca Edizioni 2018) (with Alessandra Quarta).

Routledge Handbook of Food as a Commons (Routledge, 1st ed. 2018) (with Jose Luis Vivero-Pol, Tomaso Ferrando & Olivier De Schutter eds.).

The Turning Point in Private Law: Ecology, Technology and the Commons (Edward Elgar 2018) (with Alessandra Quarta).

I dritti reali. vol. 2: La proprietà (UTET 2015).

Il benicomunismo e i suoi nemici (Einaudi 2015).

Research Handbook on Political Economy and Law (Edward Elgar Publishing 2015) (with John D. Haskell).

The Ecology of Law: Toward a Legal System in Tune with Nature and Community (Berrett-Koehler 2015) (with Fritjof Capra).

Il modello di common law (Giappichelli 4th ed. 2014) (with Emanuele Ariano).

Protecting Future Generations through Commons (Council of Europe 2014) (editor, with Saki Bailey & Gilda Farrell).

Senza proprietá non c’é libertà. Falso! (Laterza 2014).

Contro Riforme (Einaudi 2013).

Cambridge Companion to Comparative Law (Cambridge Univ. Press 2012) (with Mauro Bussani).

Teatro Valle Occupato: La Rivolta Culturale per i Beni Comuni (DeriveApprodi 2012).

L’acqua e i Beni Comuni (Manifestolibri 2011).

Il modello di common law (Giappichelli 3d ed. 2010).

Schlesinger’s Comparative Law (Foundation Press 7th ed. 2009) (with Rudolph B. Schlesinger, Teemu Ruskola, & Antonio Gidi).

Plunder: When the Rule of Law is Illegal (Blackwell 2008).

Invertire la Rotta: Idee per una Riforma della Proprietà Pubblica (Il Mulino 2007) (with Edoardo Reviglio & Stefano Rodatà).

Opening Up European Law (Carolina Academic Press 2007) (with Mauro Bussani).

Il Mercato Delle Regole. Analisi Economica del Diritto Civile (Il Mulino 2d ed. 2006) (with Robert Cooter, P.G. Monateri, R. Pardolesi & T. Ulen).

Regole Sicure: Analisi Economico–Giuridica Comparata per il Notariato (Guiffrè 2006) (with Carlo Marchetti & Francesco Pene Vidari).

Commercial Trusts in European Private Law (Cambridge Univ. Press 2005) (with Michelle Graziadei & Lionel D. Smith).

Il modello di Common Law (Giappichelli 2d ed. 2004).

The Common Core of European Private Law (Kluwer Law International 2003) (with Mauro Bussani).

The European Codification Process: Cut and Paste (Kluwer Law International 2003).

Introduction to Italian Law (Kluwer Law International 2002) (with Jeffrey S. Lena).

The Common Core of European Private Law: Essays on the Project (Kluwer Law International 2002) (with Mauro Bussani).

I Diritti Reali (UTET 2001).

Basic Principles of Property Law: A Comparative Legal and Economic Introduction (Greenwood Press 2000).

Il Mercato Delle Regole: Analisi Economica del Diritto Civile (Il Mulino 1999) (with Robert Cooter et al.).

Osnovnye Polozheniia Prava Sobstvennosti [Basic Principles of Property Law] (IUrist 1999) (with E.A. Sukhanov).

Comparative Law and Economics (Univ. of Michigan Press 1997).

Introduzione Breve al Diritto Comparato (CEDAM 1997) (with P.G. Monateri).

Il Modello di Common Law (G. Giappichelli 1996).

La Proprietà Immobiliare (G. Giappichelli 2d ed. 1995).

Consumatore, Ambiente, Concorrenza: Analisi Economica del Diritto (Giuffrè 1994) (with Francesco Pulitini) (editor).

G. P. Fletcher, Introduzione Elementare alla Scienza Giuridica (Cedam 1993) (with P.G. Monateri) (translator).

La Proprietà Immobiliare (G. Giappichelli 1993).

Common Law: Il Diritto Angloamericano (UTET 1992).

R. Sacco, Modelli Notevoli di Società (Cedam 1991) (with P. G. Monateri) (translator).

G. Gilmore, Le Grandi Epoche Del Diritto Americano (Giuffrè 1988) (with Antonio Gambaro) (translator).

Stare Decisis: Il Valore del Precedente Giudiziario negli Stati Uniti d’America (Guiffrè 1988).

Tutela Inibitoria e Tutela Risarcitoria: Contributo Alla Teoria Dei Diritti Sui Beni (Giuffrè 1987).

Journal Articles

False Conscience: Sustainability and Smart Evolution—Between Law and PowerInt’l J. for Semiotics L. (2024). FULLTEXT

The Legal Metaverse and Comparative Taxonomy: A Reappraisal, 71 Am. J. Comp. L. 900 (2024). FULLTEXT

The Death of LawGlobal Jurist (2022). FULLTEXT

The Chinese Advantage in Emergency Law, 21 Global Jurist 1 (2021) (with Liu Guanghua & Emanuele Ariano). FULLTEXT

Commons as Possessions: The Path to Protection of the Commons in the ECHR System, 25 Eur. L.J. 230 (2019). URL

Communology: The Emergence of a Social Theory of the Commons, 118 S. Atl. Q. 725 (2019) (with Mark Mancall). URL

Comparative Law, Geopolitics, and the Conflict in Palestine: Disciplined Disengagement and the Commons SolutionGlobal Jurist 2018-0008 (2018). FULLTEXT URL

Diritto, Capitale e Limiti, 26 Parolechiave 115 (2018).

Théorie du Droit. Principles of Legal Commoning, 42 Revue Juridique de l’Environnement 67 (2017) (with Alessandra Quarta). FULLTEXT URL

The Cold War and Comparative Law: A Reflection on the Politics of Intellectual Discipline, 65 Am. J. Comp. L. 567 (2017). FULLTEXT URL

Hard Civil Code now!: notas críticas sobre las propuestas de codificación civil de rango europeo, 15 Ius et Veritas 346 (2015). FULLTEXT URL

Right to the City or Urban Commoning: Thoughts on the Generative Transformation of Property Law, 1 Italian L.J. 303 (2015) (with Alessandra Quarta). FULLTEXT

Comparative Law and Critical Legal Studies, 6 Constituição, Economia E Desenvolvimento 250 (2014). URL

I Beni Comuni fra Economia, Diritto e Filsofia, 7 SpazioFilosofico 111 (2013). URL

Protecting the Commons: Water, Culture, and Nature: The Commons Movement in the Italian Struggle against Neoliberal Governance, 112 S. Atl. Q. 366 (2013). URL

Social Movements as Constituent Power: The Italian Struggle for the Commons, 20 Ind. J. Global Legal Stud. 965 (2013) (with Saki Bailey). FULLTEXT

Una primavera di movimento per la funzione sociale della proprietà privata, 31 RCDP 531 (2013).

The Evil Technology Hypothesis: A Deep Ecological Reading of International Law, 2012 Cardozo L. Rev. de novo 263 (2012) (with Luigi Russi). FULLTEXT

Comparative International Law, 36 Brook. J. Int’l L. 385 (2011) (with Boris N. Mamlyuk). FULLTEXT SSRN

A “Social Dimension” in European Private Law? The Call for Setting a Progressive Agenda, 41 New Eng. L. Rev. 1 (2006) (with Fernanda Nicola) (reprinted at 7(1) Global Jurist Frontiers Art. 2 (2007)). FULLTEXT SSRN

The Peruvian Civil Code, Property and Plunder: Time for a Latin American Alliance to Resist the Neo Liberal Order, 5(1) Global Jurist Topics Art. 3 (2005). FULLTEXT

The Rise and Fall of Law and Economics: An Essay for Judge Guido Calabresi, 64 Md. L. Rev. 220 (2005). FULLTEXT

Social Justice in European Contract Law: A Manifesto, 10 Eur. L.J. 653 (2004) (with Gert Brueggemeier, Mauro Bussani, Hugh Collins et al.). FULLTEXT SSRN

La Reforma del Diritto Societario Italiano: Una Nuova Ricezione Acustica?, 101 RDC e DGO 615 (2003).

A Theory of Imperial Law: A Study on U.S. Hegemony and the Latin Resistance, 10 Ind. J. Global Legal Stud. 383 (2002) (reprinted at 3(2) Global Jurist Frontiers Art. 1 (2003)). FULLTEXT

Aquale Codice Civile Per l’Europa?, 20 RCDP 3 (2002).

Foreign Inspired Courts as Agencies of Peace in Troubled Societies: A Plea for Realism and for Creativity, 2(1) Global Jurist Topics Art. 1 (2002). FULLTEXT

Hard Code Now!, 2(1) Global Jurist Frontiers Art. 1 (2002) (reprinted as Hard Minimal Code Now!: A Critique of ‘Softness’ and a Plea for Responsibility in the European Debate Over Codification, in An Academic Green Paper on European Contract Law 215 (Stefan Grundmann & Jules Stuyck eds., Kluwer Law Int’l 2002)). FULLTEXT

Some Realism About Comparativism: Comparative Law Teaching in the Hegemonic Jurisdiction, 50 Am. J. Comp. L. Supp. 87 (2002). FULLTEXT

Basic Issues of Private Law Codification in Europe: Trust, 1(1) Global Jurist Frontiers Art. 5 (2001). FULLTEXT

Comparative Law and Economics: Borrowing and Resistance, 1(2) Global Jurist Frontiers Art. 5 (2001) (with Alberto Monti). FULLTEXT

Desesvolvimentos Institutionais do Dereito de Proprietade, 2(6) RTDC 99 (2001).

Legal Systems in Distress: HIV–contaminated Blood, Path Dependency and Legal Change, 1(2) Global Jurist Advances Art. 4 (2001). FULLTEXT

Sul Treno (Ma Di Chi?) Con il Bigiletto, 19 RCDP 135 (2001).

The Art and Science of Critical Scholarship: Postmodernism and International Style in the Legal Architecture of Europe, 75 Tul. L. Rev. 1053 (2001) (with Anna di Robilant) (reprinted in 10 Eur. Rev. Private L. 29 (2002)). FULLTEXT

U.S. Jurisdiction Over Conflicts Arising Outside of the United States: Some Hegemonic Implications, 24 Hastings Int’l & Comp. L. Rev. 381 (2001) (with Jeffrey Lena) (reprinted as United States Jurisdiction Over Conflicts Arising Outside of the US. Some Hegemonic Implications, 1(2) Global Jurist Topics Art. 5 (2001)). FULLTEXT

Efficiency and Equal Protection in the New European Contract Law: Mandatory, Default and Enforcement Rules, 39 Va. J. Int’l L. 537 (1999). FULLTEXT

A Transaction Costs Approach to the European Civil Code, 5 Eur. Rev. Private L. 537 (1998). URL

An Opportunity Not to be Missed: The Future of Comparative Law in the United States, 46 Am. J. Comp. L. 709 (1998). FULLTEXT

II Problema della Codificazione: Civile Europea e la Cultura Giuridica. Pregiudizi, Strategie e SviluppiCIEur 207 (1998).

Introduction, 46 Am. J. Comp. L. 597 (1998) (with Mathias Reimann). FULLTEXT

The Functions of Trust Law: A Comparative Legal and Economic Analysis, 73 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 434 (1998) (with Henry Hansmann). FULLTEXT SSRN

The Issue of European Civil Codification and Legal Scholarship: Biases, Strategies and Developments, 21 Hastings Int’l & Comp. L. Rev. 883 (1998). FULLTEXT

Trust Law in the United States: A Basic Study of Its Special Contribution, 46 Am. J. Comp. L. Supp. 133 (1998) (with Henry Hansmann). FULLTEXT

The Common Core Approach to European Private Law, 3 Colum. J. Eur. L. 339 (1997) (with Mauro Bussani). FULLTEXT

The Copernican Revolution in Jurisprudence: In Loving Memory of Rudolf B. Schlesinger, Mentor and Friend, 20 Hastings Int’l & Comp. L. Rev. 223 (1997). FULLTEXT

Three Patterns of Law: Taxonomy and Change in the World’s Legal Systems, 45 Am. J. Comp. L. 5 (1997). FULLTEXT

Alcune Riflessioni su Struttura Proprietaria e Mercato, 14 RCDP ___ (1996).

Analisi Economica Giuridica e Comparata delle Clausole Penali nei Contratti, 14 RCDP ___ (1996).

Protecting Possession, 44 Am. J. Comp. L. 293 (1996) (with James Gordley). FULLTEXT

Codifying Property Law in the Process of Transition: Some Suggestions from Comparative Law and Economics, 19 Hastings Int’l & Comp. L. Rev. 117 (1995) (with Gianmaria Ajani). FULLTEXT

Rudolf Schlesinger e la Scienza Giuridica, 41 RDC ___ (1995).

The Comparative Law and Economics of Penalty Clauses in Contract, 43 Am. J. Comp. L. 427 (1995) (Festshrift for Rudolf B. Schlesinger). FULLTEXT

Efficiency as Equity: Insights from Comparative Law and Economics, 18 Hastings Int’l & Comp. L. Rev. 157 (1994). FULLTEXT

Efficiency in Legal Transplants: An Essay in Comparative Law and Economics, 14 Int’l Rev. L. & Econ. 3 (1994).

Etnocentrismo, Neutralita, e Discriminazione: Tensioni nel Diritto Occidentale, 146 Giurisprudenza Italiana 223 (1994).

Why the Wind Changed: Intellectual Leadership in Western Law, 42 Am. J. Comp. L. 195 (1994). FULLTEXT

Faculty Recruitment in Italy: Two Sides of the Moon, 41 Am. J. Comp. L. 427 (1993) (with P.G. Monateri). FULLTEXT

Foreward: The Faces of Academia, 41 Am. J. Comp. L. 351 (1993) (with P.G. Monateri). FULLTEXT

Ai Confini della Terra Promessa: Immigrazione, Poverta, Razzismo ed i Limiti del Diritto, 115 Foro Italiano 458 (1992).

Attrazione Fatale, 144 Giurisprudenza Italiana 146 (1992).

Law and Economics in Civil Law Countries: A Comparative Law Approach, 11 Int’l Rev. L. & Econ. 265 (1991) (with Roberto Pardolesi).

Ripensando il Rapporto fra Diritto Inglese e Diritto Americano: l’Esempio dei Torts, 8 Quadrimestre ___ (1991).

Judicial Responsibility in Italy: A New Statute, 38 Am. J. Comp. L. 103 (1990) (with Michele Graziadei). FULLTEXT

L’ Imperialismo del Writ of Certiorari: il Tramonto della Giurisdizione Obbligatoria nella U.S. Supreme Court, 36 RDC 131 (1990).

Socialist and Non-Socialist Approaches to Land Law: Continuity and Change in Somalia and Other African States, 16 Rev. Socialist L. 17 (1990). FULLTEXT

Forma e Contratto di Assicurazione nell’ Esperienza Statunitense, 53 RCP 610 (1988).

Diritto e Rimedio nell Esperienza Italiana ed in Quella Statunitense: Un Primo Aproccio, 4 Quadrimestre 341 (1987).

Il Code Domanial et Foncier della Repubblica Popolare del Congo, 33 RDC 77 (1987) (with Michele Graziadei).

l’Insegnamento del Diritto Comparato, 40 RTDPC 731 (1986) (with Michele Graziadei).

I Modelli nella Tutela dell’Ambiente, 31 RDC 389 (1985).

Chiosa in Tema di Patenti Conseguite all Estero, 49 RCP 236 (1984).

Consenso Viziato, Lesione e Abuso della Controparte, 30 RDC 400 (1984) (updated in 34 Rivista di Diritto Civile 653 (1988)).

Considerazioni Intorno Agli Obblighi del Datore di Lavoro ex Art. 2087 Cod.Civ. alla Luce dell Assicurazione Obbligatoria Contro Gli Infortuni Sul Lavoro e le Malattie Professionali, 49 RCP 354 (1984).

Della Vocazione della Nostra Epoca per l’Allargamento delle Giurisdizioni Speciali, 49 RCP 537 (1984) (with Pier Giuseppe Monateri).

Problemi nell’ Interpretazione dell Art. 844 Cod.Civ., 49 RCP 524 (1984).

Ratio Decidendi ed Obiter Dicta in una Decisione dell Appello di Milano, 49 RCP 410 (1984).

Chapters In Books

From Poverty and Development to People’s International Law, in The Oxford Handbook of International Law and Development 773 (Ruth Buchanan et al. eds., Oxford Academic 2023) (with Margot E. Salomon). URL

What Would a Post-Anthropocentric Legal System Look Like?, in The Routledge Handbook of International Law and Anthropocentrism 263 (Vincent Chapaux et al. eds., Routledge 2023) (with Michael W. Monterossi). URL

On Coase and Commons, in Le Droit sans Frontières: Mélanges Pour Franz Werro 459 (Eva Maria Belser, Pascal Pichonnaz, & Hubert Stöckli eds., Stämpfli Editions 2022).

Property Meeting the Challenge of the Commons, in General Reports of the XXth General Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law 23 (Boele-Woelki K., Fernández Arroyo D.P., Senegacnik A. eds., Springer 2020) (with Alessandra Quarta) (Global Studies in Comparative Law, vol. 50). URL

Having, Being, and the Commons, in Co-Designing Economies in Transition 63 (Vincenzo Mario Bruno Giorgino & Zack Walsh eds., Palgrave Macmillan 2018).

Introduction: The Food Commons are Coming and Food as Commons: Towards a New Relationship Between the Public, the Civic and the Private, in Routledge Handbook of Food as a Commons 1, 373 (Routledge 2018) (with Jose Luis Vivero-Pol, Tomaso Ferrando & Olivier de Schutter). URL

La industria de la armonía y el mercado de la justicia, in Lecciones de filosofía del derecho 413 (Yuri Tornero Cruzatt & Ángel Gaspar Chirinos dirs., IDEMSA 2018). URL

The Ecology of International Law: Towards an International Legal S ystem in Tune with Nature and Community?, in The Commons and a New Global Governance 212 (Samuel Cogolati & Jan Wouters eds., Edward Elagar 2018).

Beni culturali, beni comuni, estrazione, in Patrimonio culturale: profili giuridici e tecniche di tutela 147 (RomaTrE-Press 2017). URL

Il Poliamore e i Beni Comuni. Primissime Riflessioni, in Principi, Regole, Interpretazione. Contratti e Obbligazioni, Amiglie e Successioni. Scritti in Onore di Giovanni Fugiuele 105 (Universitas Studiorum 2017). URL

Future Generations Now! A Commons-Based Analysis, in Protecting Future Generations through Commons 9 (Council of Europe 2013).

Eine kurze Phänomenologie der Commons, in Commons. Für eine neue Politik Jenseits von Markt und Staat 70 (Silke Helfrich & Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung eds., Transcript Verlag 2012).

First Thoughts for a Phenomenology of the Commons, in The Wealth of the Commons: A World Beyond Market & State 37 (David Bollier & Silke Helfrich eds., Levellers Press 2012).

Il Buon Governo del Comune: Prime Riflessioni, in Il Diritto del Comune 210 (Sandro Chignola ed., Ombre Corte 2012).

Il Teatro Valle: Un Cammino Ri-Costituente, in Viaggio Nell’ Italia Dei Beni Comuni 102 (Marotta & Cafiero 2012).

The Nile Perch in European Private Law, in The Many Concepts of Social Justice in European Private Law 167 (Hans-W. Micklitz ed., Edward Elgar 2011).

Emergency-Based Predatory Capitalism: The Rule of Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, and Development, in Contemporary States of Emergency: The Politics of Military and Humanitarian Interventions 89 (Didier Fassin & Mariella Pandolfi eds., Zone Books 2010). URL

Access to Justice: A Renewed Global Issue?, in General Reports of the XVIIth Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law 383 (Katharina Boele–Woelki & Sjef van Erp eds., Eleven Int’l Pub. 2007).

Property Rights: A Comparative Law and Economics Perspective in the Global Era, in Property Rights Dynamics: A Law and Economics Perspective 40 (Donatella Porrini & Giovanni Battista Ramello eds., Routledge 2007) (with Andrea Pradi). CATALOG

Comparative Law and Critical Legal Studies, in The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law 815 (Mathias Reimann & Reinhard Zimmermann eds., Oxford Univ. Press 2006). CATALOG

Property Law, in Introduction to Italian Law 283 (Jeffrey Lena & Ugo Mattei eds., Kluwer Law Int’l 2002) (with Antonio Gambaro). CATALOG

Should Europe Codify Trust?, in Themes in Comparative Law: In Honour of Bernard Rudden 235 (Peter Birks & Arianna Pretto eds., Oxford Univ. Press 2002). CATALOG

Il Diritto Soggettivo, in Trattato di Diritto Civile Diretto a Rodolfo Sacco ___ (Guido Alpa et al. eds, UTET 2001).

The Comparative Jurisprudence of Schlesinger and Sacco: A Study in Legal Influence, in Rethinking the Masters of Comparative Law 238 (Annelise Riles ed., Hart Pub. 2001). CATALOG

Comparative Law and Economics, in Encyclopedia of Law and Economics 505 (Edward Elgar 2000) (with Andrea Rossato & Luisa Antoniolli). CATALOG

L’Efficacite et l’Egalité dans le Nouveau Droit des Contrats Européen, Règles Imperatives, Dispositives et Measures Coercitives, in Le Role de la Volonté dans les Actes Juridiques: Études à la Memoire du Professeur Alfred Rieg 597 (Bruylant 2000).

Stati Uniti d’America, in 19 Digesto delle Discipline Privatistiche: Sezione Civile 1 (UTET 1999) (with Elisabetta Grande).

Statutes, in 19 Digesto delle Discipline Privatistiche: Sezione Civile 48 (UTET 1999).

Sud Africa, in 19 Digesto delle Discipline Privatistiche: Sezione Civile 197 (UTET 1999).

The Legal Profession as an Organization: Understanding Changes in Common Law and Civil Law, in Lawyers’ Practice and Ideals: A Comparative View 157 (John J. Barcelo & Roger C. Cramton eds., Kluwer Law Int’l 1999).

Comparative Law and Economics, in 3 The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law 346 (Peter K. Newman ed., Stockton Press 1998) (with Febris Cafaggi). CATALOG

Fatto e Valore: Il Paradosso Ermeneutico dell’Analisi Economica del Diritto, in Diritto, Giustizia e Interpretazione ___ (Jacques Derrida, Gianni Vattimo, & Mauro Bussani eds., Laterza 1998).

II Problema della Codificazione: Civile Europea e la Cultura Giuridica. Pregiudizi, Strategie e Sviluppi, in Contratto e Impresa⁄Europa 207 (UTET 1998).

Legal Pluralism, Legal Change, and Economic Development, in New Law for New States: Politica del Diritto in Eritrea 23 (Lyda Favali, Elisabetta Grande, & Marco Guadagni eds., L’ Harmattan Italia 1998).

Property Rights in Civil Law, in 3 The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law 157 (Peter K. Newman ed., Stockton Press 1998). CATALOG

Restatement, in 18 Digesto delle Discipline Privatistiche: Sezione Civile 417 (UTET 1998).

Rule of Law, in 18 Digesto delle Discipline Privatistiche: Sezione Civile 123 (UTET 1998).

Making The Other Path Efficient: Economic Analysis and Tort Law in Less Developed Countries, in The Law and Economics of Development 149 (Edgardo Buscaglia, William Ratliff, & Robert Cooter eds., JAI Press 1997) (with Mauro Bussani). CATALOG

Proprieta, in 15 Digesto delle Discipline Privatistiche: Sezione Civile 432 (UTET 1997).

Economic Analysis and European Legal Scholarship, in Dealing with Integration: Perspectives from Seminars on European Law 53 (Alessandro Simoni & Iain Cameron eds., Iustus Förlag 1996). CATALOG

Precedente Giudiziario, in 14 Digesto delle Discipline Privatistiche: Sezione Civile 148 (UTET 1996).

Nuova Zelanda, in 12 Digesto delle Discipline Privatistiche: Sezione Civile 331 (UTET 1995) (with Luisa Antoniolli).

The New Ethiopian Constitution: First Thoughts on Ethnical Federalism and the Reception of Western Institutions, in Transplants Innovation and Legal Tradition in the Horn of Africa 111 (Elisabetta Grande ed., L’Harmattan Italia 1995). CATALOG

Dissimilar Form — Similar Substance?: An Economic Framework for Western Property Law, in European Legal Traditions and Israel 197 (A.M. Rabello ed., Nevo Pub. 1994). CATALOG

La Successione Contro la Volonta del Testatore: Radici Profane di una Contrapposizione Sacra fra Common Law e Sistemi Romanisti, in Studi in Onore di Rodolfo Sacco ___ (UTET 1994).

Verso una Tripartizione Non Eurocentrica dei Sistemi Giuridici, in Studi in Memoria di Gino Gorla ___ (UTET 1994).

Gran Bretagna e Irlanda (Regno Unito di), in 10 Digesto delle Discipline Privatistiche: Sezione Civile ___ (UTET 1993) (with Elisabetta Grande).

Immissioni, in 9 Digesto delle Discipline Privatistiche: Sezione Civile ___ (UTET 1993).

Precedente Giudiziario Negli Stati Uniti, in Atlante di Diritto Comparato ___ (Zanichelli 2d ed. 1993).

La Sistemologia, in Che Cos’è il Diritto Comparato? Intervista a Rodolfo Sacco ___ (Rodolfo Sacco, Paolo Cendon, & Gianmaria Ajani eds., Giuffrè 1992).

The Law of Property in Italy, in Italian Studies in Law 119 (Alessandro Pizzorusso ed., Martinus Nijhoff 1992) (with Antonio Gambaro & Albina Candian). CATALOG

A Competitive Model of Legal Rules, in The Competitive State: Villa Colombella Papers on Competitive Politics ___ (Albert Breton et al. eds., Kluwer Academic Pub. 1991) (with Francesco Pulitini).

Editoria Giuridica nei Sistemi di Common Law, in 7 Digesto delle Discipline Privatistiche: Sezione Civile 369 (UTET 1991).

Errore e Raggiro Nei Contratti (Diritto Comparato), in 7 Digesto delle Discipline Privatistiche: Sezione Civile 523 (UTET 1991).

Comunione (Diritto Comparato), in 3 Digesto delle Discipline Privatistiche: Sezione Civile 184 (UTET 1988).

Assicurazione (Diritto Comparato), in 1 Digesto delle Discipline Privatistiche: Sezione Civile ___ (UTET 1987).

Book Reviews

Book Review, 4 J. Eur. Tort L. 110 (2013) (reviewing M. Infantino, La Causalitá nel Diritto della Responsabilitá Extracontrattuale).

What Do We Lack?, 7 Global Jurist Art. 3 (2007) (reviewing Mitchel Lasser, Judicial Deliberations (2004)). BE_PRESS

Book Review, ___ l’Indice dei Libri del Mese ___ (Oct. 2002) (reviewing Franceso Denozza, Norme Efficienti: l’analise Economica della Regole Giuridiche (2002)).

Review of Books on Private Law and EU Law, 5 Eur. L.J. 135 (1999) (reviewing H. Kotz, Europaisches Vertragsrecht (1996); H. Kotz, A. Flessner, European Contract Law (1998); U. Drobing, Private Law in the European Union (1996); & G. Benacchio, Diritto Privato della Comunita Europea–Fonti (1998)) (with Luisa Antoniolli).

Book Review, 8 Quadrimestre ___ (1991) (reviewing Carlos C. Rossello, Il Danno Evitabile (1990)).

Book Review, 7 Quadrimestre ___ (1990) (reviewing Melvin A. Eisenberg, The Nature of the Common Law (1988)).

Book Review, 35 RDC 189 (1989) (reviewing Rudolf B. Schlesinger et al., Comparative Law (1988)).

Il Giudice e le Scelte Difficili, Lezioni da Israele, 112 Foro Italiano 509 (1989) (reviewing Aharon Barak, Judicial Discretion (1989)).

Book Review, 51 RCP 731 (1986) (reviewing Guido Calabresi & Philip Bobbitt, Scelte Tragiche (1986)) (with Pier Giuseppe Monateri).

Newspaper & Magazine Articles

Dopo Enron: Non Parlate al ControlloreIl manifesto, Jan. 8, 2003, at 18.

Other Publications

Global Law and Plunder: The Dark Side of the Rule of Law (Bocconi School of Law Student-Edited Papers, Paper No. 2009-03/EN, 2009) (with Marco de Morpurgo). URL


  • Université Catholique Louvain
    Ph.D. Honoris Causa

  • University of California at Berkeley, School of Law
    LL.M., Law

  • Law School of the University of Torino
    J.D., Law

  • Faculté Internationale de Droit Comparé, Strasbourg, France.
    Diplome de deuxième cycle.

  • London School of Economics, Modern English Law Program
    Certificate awarded with distinction and merit


  • Activist Work
    Successfully masterminded, as lawyer and an activist, the Italian campaign against the privatization of water, which was completed in June 2011 with a national referendum in which more than 27 million Italians voted to endorse Professor Mattei’s scheme to recognize water as a common.


  • Comparative Law
  • Political Economy of the Law