J.D. Class Profile
J.D. Class of 2027
As of the first day of Classes

Total Applications Received: 3,746
First-Year Students: 391
LEOP Students: 72
California Scholars: 6
Average Scholarship Awarded: $15,000

Colleges & Universities Represented: 118
Top 6:
UC Berkeley
UC Santa Barbara
UC Davis
Cal Poly SLO

GPA: 3.77| 3.63| 3.43
LSAT: 162 | 160 | 157
Enrolled with GRE: 6

Average Age: 25
Age Range: 19-72
0-3 years out of college: 61%
At least 4 years out of college: 39%

234 Women | 152 Men | 5 Non-Binary
Students of Color: 52%
First Generation College Students: 17%
Veterans: 8
States Represented: 22

Different Undergrad Majors: 86
(Most popular: Political Science)
STEM Majors: 7%
Advanced Degrees: 7%

Careers & Employment – Class of 2022
90% of 2022 grads were employed in Bar Admission Required or JD Advantage positions.
Job Type:
Law Firm – 58%
Business – 9%
Government – 12%
Public Interest – 14%
Education – 2%
Clerkships – 3%
Sample of Undergrad Institutions (Class of 2026)
American University | Ohio State University-Columbus | University of California-Irvine |
Arizona State University | Pacific Union College | University of California-Los Angeles |
Baylor University | Pennsylvania State Univ-University Park | University of California-Riverside |
Boston University | Pepperdine University | University of California-San Diego |
Brigham Young University | Pitzer College | University of California-Santa Barbara |
Calif Polytechnic St U-San Luis Obispo | Purdue University-West Lafayette | University of California-Santa Cruz |
California State Polytechnic-Pomona | Reed College | University of Chicago |
California State University-Fresno | Rowan University | University of Denver |
California State University-Fullerton | Sacred Heart University | University of Florida |
California State University-Los Angeles | Saint Mary’s College Of California | University of Hawaii At Manoa |
California State University-Northridge | San Diego State University | University of Illinois-Urbana |
California State University-Stanislaus | San Francisco State University | University of Kansas |
Carnegie Mellon University | San Jose State University | University of La Verne |
Chapman University | Santa Clara University | University of Michigan-Ann Arbor |
Christopher Newport University | Savannah College Of Art & Design | University of Mount Union |
Claremont Mckenna College | Scripps College | University of Nebraska-Omaha |
Colby College | Skidmore College | University of Nevada-Reno |
Columbia University | Smith College | University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill |
Cornell University | Sonoma State University | University of North Dakota-Grand Forks |
Dartmouth College | Southern Oregon University | University of Oregon |
Emerson College | Stanford University | University of Pennsylvania |
Emory University | SUNY at Albany | University of Pittsburgh |
George Washington University | SUNY at Buffalo Center | University of Rochester |
Gonzaga University | Susquehanna University | University of San Francisco |
Grinnell College | Syracuse University | University of South Carolina-Columbia |
Howard University | Temple University | University of Southern California |
Indiana University-Bloomington | The New School | University of The Pacific |
Johns Hopkins University | The University Of Texas at Austin | University of Virginia |
Loyola Marymount University | Tufts University Of Arts & Sciences | University of Washington |
Loyola University-Chicago | Tulane University | University of Wisconsin – Madison |
Mcgill University | United States Naval Academy | Vanderbilt University |
Morehouse College | Univ Of Maryland – University College | Vassar College |
Northeastern University | University of Baltimore | Villanova University |
Oberlin College | University of California-Berkeley | Wake Forest University |
Occidental College | University of California-Davis | Wellesley College |
Sample of Employers for the Class of 2022
Alameda County District Attorney’s Office | Eviction Defense Collaborative | Legal Assistance to the Elderly |
Andersen Tax | Farella Braun + Martel LLP | Littler Mendelson |
Arnold & Porter LLP | Federal Trade Commission | Los Angeles County Public Defender |
Atchison, Barisone & Condotti | Fenwick & West LLP | Los Angeles Superior Court |
Atheria Law | Fisher Phillips LLP | Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP |
Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud, and Romo | Fox Rothschild LLP | Marin County Public Defender |
Atlanta Legal Aid Society | Freeman Mathis & Gary, LLP | Mayer Brown LLP |
Baker Botts LLP | Fresno County Public Defender | Morrison & Foerster LLP |
Baker McKenzie LLP | Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP | Multnomah County Circuit Court |
Bay Area Criminal Lawyers, PC | Gordon & Rees Scully Mansukhani LLP | Napa County District Attorney |
Best Best & Krieger LLP | Hanson Bridgett | Nixon Peabody LLP |
Bet Tzedek Legal Services | Hawkins Parnell & Young LLP | Office of County Counsel, County of Alameda |
Boies Schiller Flexner | Hoge Fenton | O’Melveny & Myers LLP |
Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP | Holland & Knight | Open Immigration Legal Services |
Bursor & Fisher, P.A. | Homeless Advocacy Project | Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP |
California Attorney General | IBM Corporation | Perkins Coie LLP |
California Public Utilities Commission | IRS Office of Chief Counsel | PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP |
California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc. | Jones Day | Sacramento County District Attorney |
Center for Biological Diversity | Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck LLP | San Francisco Public Defender |
Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office | Keesal, Young & Logan, P.C. | San Mateo County Court |
Cooley LLP | Kern Segal & Murray | Santa Clara County Public Defender |
Corporate Immigration Partners, LLP | Kirkland & Ellis LLP | Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP |
County of Sacramento, Office of the Public Defender | Klein DeNatale Goldner | Solano County Office of the Public Defender |
Debevoise & Plimpton | Knobbe, Martens, Olson & Bear, LLP | Supreme Court of California |
DeLacey, Riebel & Shindell, LLP | Kobayashi, Sugita & Goda | Supreme Court of North Carolina |
Disability Rights Advocates | Lane County District Attorney’s Office | Transgender Law Center |
District Attorney’s Office for Collin County, TX | Latham & Watkins | U.S. Army JAG Corps |
Edlin Gallagher Huie + Blum | Lawyers for Employee and Consumer Rights | U.S. Marine Corps Judge Advocate Division |
Employee Benefits Security Adminsitration | Legal Aid of Marin | Walkup, Melodia, Kelly & Schoenberger |
Ernst & Young LLP | Legal Aid Society | Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati |