Technology and Innovation in the Practice of Law

The Technology and Innovation in the Practice of Law concentration prepares students to challenge the status quo as technology and globalization accelerate change in the delivery of legal services.


The legal profession is changing rapidly. Knowledge of the way that technology impacts the law, the delivery of legal services, the ethical implications of its design and use, and the economics of the legal industry are crucial to the success of 21st century attorneys. Concentrating in technology and innovation in the practice of law prepares our students for the future of the legal profession in whichever career path they choose.

The courses in the Concentration are designed to teach students how technology is impacting the law as well as the delivery of legal services. After acquiring an understanding of the doctrinal, ethical, economic, and technological forces impacting the legal industry, concentrators will explore in more depth the specific legal technologies designed to increase the efficiency, productivity, and accessibility of the law. They will also have the opportunity for hands-on work in a tech-oriented workplace in the legal industry. Whether they decide to be a litigator, a transactional attorney, an IP specialist, a solo practitioner, a government attorney or a legal aid lawyer, an understanding of the new technology available to the legal profession will help all law students succeed.

Students graduating with a Concentration in Technology and Innovation in the Practice of Law will understand the economic and technological forces currently impacting the legal profession and the policy and application of technology that offers new methods to deliver legal services. Using legal problem-solving skills, they will collaborate with experts from other disciplines to solve complex problems. They will apply real world experience to an understanding of how technology may improve the delivery of legal services and learn how to participate in a digital transformation of the legal industry. Lastly, they will develop the mindset needed for success in the 21st century practice of law.

How to Enroll

To enroll in the Concentration, you must complete a Concentrated Studies Application. After obtaining the necessary signature(s), submit the form to the Office of the Registrar. To ensure that you can enroll in the Capstone Experiential Course, submit the application no later than the first week of classes of the fall semester of the academic year in which you plan to graduate.

Please see the Course Catalog for the most updated information about each concentration’s requirements, including required and qualifying classes. If you have questions, please reach out to the Concentration Advisor.

Advisor: Professor Tal Niv