Jaime King

Senior Affiliated Scholar at the UCSF/UC Law SF Consortium on Law, Science, and Health Policy


Professor Jaime S. King is the John and Marylyn Mayo Chair in Health Law and Professor of Law at the University of Auckland, a Senior Affiliate Scholar to the UCSF/UC Law SF Consortium on Science, Law and Health Policy, and the Executive Editor of The Source for Healthcare Price and Competition. She is also a co-author of Health Law: Cases, Materials, and Problems, 8th ed. (2018).

Professor King’s research examines some of the most complex challenges facing healthcare systems. An advocate for health reform, Professor King focuses on the drivers of healthcare costs, with a special interest in market consolidation and efforts to improve transparency in healthcare pricing. These interests led her to found the Source on Healthcare Price and Competition, a multi-disciplinary web-based resource for information and analysis about healthcare price and competition. She has testified before Congress and state legislative hearings on issues related to healthcare consolidation, price transparency, and medical decision-making.

Professor King also presented her work at the National Academy of Medicine’s Leadership Consortium in 2020 on issues related to consolidation and pricing in health care. Professor King and her co-author, Erin Fuse Brown, won the Best Mergers and Antitrust Paper of 2017 presented at the American Antitrust Institute Annual Meeting for their article – The Anticompetitive Potential of Cross-Market Mergers, and she was the 2015 recipient of the Hastings Foundation Faculty Award for Outstanding Scholarship.​ She is also the 2020-2022 President of the Board of Directors for the American Society of Law, Medicine, and Ethics.

Professor King’s work has been published in Nature, Health Affairs, the New England Journal of Medicine, the UCLA Law Review, the Indiana Law Journal, the Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, the Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law and Ethics, the American Journal of Law and Medicine, Prenatal Diagnosis, Human Reproduction, the William and Mary Policy Review, the UC Law SF Journal, and the Hastings Womens’ Law Journal. Her work has also been referenced in the New York Times, the L.A. Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Atlantic Monthly, and Slate Magazine.

Selected Scholarship


  • Health Law: Cases, Materials, and Problems (West Academic 8th ed. 2018) (with Barry R Furrow, Thomas L Greaney, Robert L. Schwartz, Sandra H Johnson, Timothy S Jost, Erin C. Fuse Brown, Brietta R. Clark, Robert Gatter, & Elizabeth Pendo).
Journal Articles

  • Antitrust’s Healthcare Conundrum: Cross-Market Mergers and the Rise of System Power, 74 Hastings L.J. 1057 (2023) (with Alexandra D. Montague, Daniel Arnold, & Thomas L. Greaney). FULLTEXT SSRN
  • How Will Draft Merger Guidelines Impact Health Care Markets?Health Aff. Forefront (Dec. 13) (with Amy Y. Gu & Katherine L. Gudiksen). URL
  • In this Together: International Collaborations for Environmental and Human Health, 51 J.L. Med. & Ethics 271 (2023) (with Joanna Manning, & Alistair Woodward). URL
  • Are State Public Option Health Plans Worth It?, 59 Harv. J. on Legis. 145 (2022) (with Katherine L. Gudiksen & Erin C. Fuse Brown). FULLTEXT SSRN
  • Do State Bans of Most-Favored-Nation Contract Clauses Restrain Price Growth? Evidence From Hospital Prices, 100 Milbank Q. 589 (2022) (with Daniel R. Arnold, Katherine L. Gudiksen, Brent D. Fulton, & Richard M. Scheffler). URL
  • The Rise Of Cross-Market Hospital Systems And Their Market Power In The US, 41 Health Aff. (11) (with Brent D. Fulton et al.). URL
  • States’ Merger Review Authority Is Associated With States Challenging Hospital Mergers, But Prices Continue To Increase, 40 Health Aff. 1836 (2021) (with Brent D. Fulton et al.). FULLTEXT
  • The Burden of Federalism: Challenges to State Attempts at Controlling Prescription Drug Costs, 39 J. Leg. Med. 95 (2019) (with Katherine L. Gudiksen). FULLTEXT
  • California’s Drug Transparency Law: Navigating the Boundaries of State Authority on Drug Pricing, 37 Health Aff. 1503 (2018). FULLTEXT
  • Don’t Hate the Player; Hate the Game, 70 Annals Emergency Med. 875 (2017) (with Renee Y. Hsia & Brendan G. Carr). FULLTEXT URL
  • The Anti-Competitive Potential of Cross-Market Mergers in Health Care, 11 St. Louis U. J. Health L. & Pol’y 43 (2017) (with Erin C. Fuse Brown). FULLTEXT SSRN
  • The Double-Edged Sword of Health Care Integration: Consolidation and Cost Control, 92 Ind. L.J. 55 (2016) (with Erin C. Fuse Brown). SSRN
  • Whole-Genome Screening of Newborns? The Constitutional Boundaries of State Newborn Screening Programs, 137 Pediatrics S8 (Supp. 1, 2016) (with Monica E. Smith). URL
  • Best Ethical Practices for Clinicians and Laboratories in the Provision of Non–Invasive Prenatal Testing, 33 Prenatal Diagnosis 656 (2013) (with Megan Allyse et al.). URL
  • Clarifying Costs: Can Increased Price Transparency Reduce Healthcare Spending?, 4 Wm & Mary Pol’y Rev. 319 (2013) (with Morgan A. Muir & Stephanie A. Alessi). FULLTEXT
  • Group Health’s Participation In A Shared Decision-Making Demonstration Yielded Lessons, Such As Role Of Culture Change, 32 Health Aff. 294 (2013) (with Benjamin Moulton). URL
  • Cell-Free Fetal DNA Testing for Fetal Aneuploidy and Beyond: Clinical Integration Challenges in the U.S. Context, 27 Hum. Reprod. 3123 (Nov. 2012) (with Megan Allyse, Lauren C. Sayres, Mary E. Norton & Mildred K. Cho). URL
  • Living ART, 23 Hastings Women’s L.J. 73 (2012). FULLTEXT
  • Not this Child: Constitutional Questions in Regulating Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis and Selective Abortion, 60 UCLA L. Rev. 2 (2012). FULLTEXT
  • And Genetic Testing for All . . . The Coming Revolution in Non-Invasive Prenatal Genetic Testing, 42 Rutgers L.J. 599 (2011). FULLTEXT SSRN
  • The Potential of Shared Decision Making to Reduce Health Disparities, 39 J.L. Med. & Ethics 30 (2011) (with Mark H. Eckman & Benjamin W. Moulton). FULLTEXT
  • Aligning Ethics with Medical Decision-Making: The Quest for Informed Patient Choice, 38 J.L. Med. & Ethics 85 (2010) (with Benjamin Moulton). FULLTEXT
  • Duty to the Unborn: A Response to Smolensky, 60 Hastings L.J. 377 (2008). FULLTEXT SSRN
  • Predicting Probability: Regulating the Future of Preimplantation Genetic Screening, 8 Yale J. Health Pol’y L. & Ethics 283 (2008). FULLTEXT SSRN
  • Toward the “Tipping Point”: Decision Aids and Informed Patient Choice, 26 Health Aff. 716 (May/June 2007) (with Annette M. O’Connor, John E. Wennberg, France Legare, Hilary A. Llewellyn–Thomas, Benjamin W. Moulton, Karen R. Sepucha, & Andrea G. Sodano). FULLTEXT
  • Rethinking Informed Consent: The Case for Shared Medical Decision-Making, 32 Am. J.L. & Med. 429 (2006) (with Benjamin W. Moulton). FULLTEXT SSRN
Chapters In Books

  • ERISA as a Barrier for State Health Care Transparency Efforts, in Transparency in Health and Health Care 301 (Carmel Shachar, I. Glenn Cohen, Holly Fernandez Lynch, & Barbara J. Evans eds., Cambridge Univ. Press 2019) (with Erin C. Fuse Brown). URL
Newspaper & Magazine Articles

  • Promoting Health Care Transparency via State Legislative EffortsJAMA Health Forum, Mar. 9, 2020 (with Roslyn Murray & Suzanne Delbanco). URL
  • Politics and Fetal Diagnostics CollideNature, Nov. 1, 2012, at 33.
Other Publications

  • A Step Forward for Health Care Market Oversight: Oregon Health Authority’s Health Care Market Oversight ProgramMilbank Memorial Fund Report (2023) (with Robin Davison et al.). URL
  • Markets or Monopolies? Considerations for Addressing Health Care Consolidation in CaliforniaCHCF Issue Brief (Dec. 2021) (with Katherine L. Gudiksen & Amy Y. Gu). URL
  • Mitigating the Price Impacts of Health Care Provider ConsolidationMilbank Memorial Fund Issue Brief (Sept. 2021) (with Katherine L. Gudiksen & Alexandra D. Montague). URL
  • State Action to Oversee Consolidation of Health Care ProvidersMilbank Memorial Fund Issue Brief (August 2021) (with Alexandra D. Montague & Katherine L. Gudiksen). URL
  • Who Can Rein in Health Care Prices? State and Federal Efforts to Address Health Care Provider ConsolidationMilbank Memorial Fund Issue Brief (June 2021) (with Katherine L. Gudiksen & Alexandra D. Montague). URL
  • Addressing Health Care Market Consolidation and High PricesUrban Institute (January 2020) (with Robert A. Berenson, Katherine L. Gudiksen, Roslyn Murray & Adele Shartzer). URL
  • Navigating Legal Challenges to State Efforts to Control Drug Prices: Pharmacy Benefit Manager Regulation, Anti-Price-GougingLaws, and Price TransparencyNational Academy for State Health Policy (Sept. 19, 2019) (with Katherine L. Gudiksen & Samuel M. Chang). URL
  • The Secret of Health Care Prices: Why Transparency Is in the Public InterestCalifornia Health Care Foundation (July 2019) (with Katherine L. Gudiksen & Samuel M. Chang). URL
  • The Legal Dimensions of Genomic Sequencing in Newborn ScreeningThe Ethics of Sequencing Newborns: Recommendations and Reflections, special report, Hastings Center Report 48, no. 4 (2018) (with Rachel L. Zacharias & Monica E. Smith). URL
  • All-Payer Claims Databases: The Balance between Big Healthcare Data Utility and Individual Health PrivacyThe Source: UCSF/UC Hastings Consortium on Law, Science and Health Policy (2017) (with Andrew Kelly). URL
  • State Actions to Promote and Restrain Commercial Accountable Care OrganizationsMilbank Memorial Fund Report (October 2015) (with Ann Hollingshead, Brent D. Fulton, & Joshua Rushakoff). URL
Dissertations & Theses

  • The Regulation of Individual Autonomy in Medical Decision–Making (May 2008) (unpublished Ph. D. thesis, Harvard University) (on file with Harvard University).


  • Harvard University
    Ph.D., Health Policy, Concentration in Ethics

  • Emory University School of Law
    J.D., Law

  • Dartmouth College
    BA, Psychology


  • U.S. Healthcare System & Law
  • Health Sciences Concentration Seminar