Centers & Programs

Engaged Centers

Our research and programmatic centers bring together faculty, students, alumni, and practitioners, through research, public service, and events. Whether you’re interested in entrepreneurship, immigration reform, racial or social justice, tax, or technology, there’s a center that will connect you with experts in the field and give you an opportunity to explore the leading edge of change.

2022 – 2023 Annual Reports

Our Research Centers

Center for WorkLife Law

The Center for WorkLife Law (WLL) seeks to jump-start the stalled gender revolution by focusing, at any given time, on a few projects that hold the promise of producing concrete social or institutional change within a three-to-five year time frame. We concentrate our efforts on advancing women’s leadership, developing legal protections for employees with family responsibilities, and promoting better work-life policies within institutions.

Center for Social Justice

The Center for Social Justice provides strategic leadership of social justice activities at the law school and promotes a strong public interest campus culture. The Center’s goal is to help all students find meaningful ways to incorporate justice work into their professional identity and future practice.

UCSF – UC Law Consortium on Law, Science & Health Policy

UCSF/UC Law Consortium on Law, Science & Health Policy is dedicated to promoting research, education, and service opportunities that bridge the gap between law and science by building multidisciplinary and multistakeholder collaborations among faculty and students of UCSF and UC Law SF and the patients, clients, communities, and organizations they serve alongside.

Center on Tax Law

The UC Law SF Center on Tax Law connects students, faculty, alumni, and friends who study, discuss, practice, and seek to improve tax law. In addition to sponsoring on-campus presentations by both academics and practitioners, members of our tax faculty are frequent contributors to both academic journals and real-time, current events in taxation. The Center also develops relationships between current and former students, potential employers, and the community.

Equality Action Center Logo and tagline: research for impact

Equality Action Center

The Equality Action Center at UC Law SF seeks to advance racial, gender, and class equality in the workplace and in politics. Our initiatives address inequality at a structural level with concrete, evidence-based interventions. We lead programs that cultivate leadership and level the playing field for everyone. Our focus is pragmatic: our rigorous research is linked with practical steps to produce social or organizational change within a two- to five-year time frame.

Notice re Center Advocacy and Amicus Briefs
UC Law SF centers sometimes engage in advocacy, including filing amicus briefs. This advocacy is an expression of the scholarly and policy views of individual faculty members and staff who lead the centers and advance the centers’ distinct research, programmatic, and public service missions; it does not represent the views of UC Law SF