Disability Resource

The Disability Resource Program (DRP) is committed to ensuring that all students have an equal opportunity for success.

To fulfill our commitment and ensure that all students have equal access to educational opportunities, UC Law SF complies with the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other applicable state and federal civil rights legislation. This federal anti-discrimination statute seeks to provide students with disabilities the same opportunities as students without disabilities. Students with disabilities are a diverse group. Under the ADA, a disability is not a specific diagnosis or condition; a person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity (including seeing, hearing, learning, reading, and concentrating). UC Law SF makes reasonable accommodations for qualified students with known disabilities. The purpose is to mitigate the impact of the students’ disabilities in the law school environment. Accommodations can include making academic modifications, removing architectural barriers, providing auxiliary aids and services, or a combination of any of the above. All accommodations and services are provided on a case-by-case basis, and information is kept confidential in accordance with applicable laws.

Disability Services and Accommodations


Through education, service and support, we seek to create a welcoming, inclusive environment that empowers students in their educational and law school careers. Towards this end, DRP works with students to meet challenges and overcome obstacles to achievement. The following services are offered throughout the semester. If you believe you may qualify for DRP services, please review our information on how to register for services.

Individualized accommodations are determined in an interactive process that involves the student, and the DRP Director or Assistant Director. Individual faculty may be consulted to determine the reasonableness of the accommodation given the context of the class and the request. The Dean of Students and/or the Academic Dean may be consulted in complex cases.

Exam Accommodations

Students with disabilities may qualify for nonstandard testing accommodations. These accommodations are intended to mitigate the impact of the student’s disability and maintain parity in the exam process. A student’s use of testing accommodations is not disclosed to the instructors or other students.

How to Register and Registration Checklist

The Disability Resource Program (DRP) works with students individually to determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations. Information about a student’s participation in DRP is confidential. Students who may require accommodations must provide the College with notice of their disability related needs and submit supporting professional documentation. Students must communicate directly with DRP; individual professors do not make accommodation decisions.

New Students

Students can contact the Disability Resource Program via email or call DRP (415) 565-4874 before or at the very beginning of the semester to initiate this process and for timely consideration of classroom-based accommodations. In order to provide accommodations that require faculty notification or special arrangements, the intake process should be completed before the first day of class.

Returning DRP Students:

You must submit a new Continuing Service Form shortly before or at the beginning of each semester.  If you do not submit the form in a timely manner you run the risk of not receiving your accommodations in a timely manner.  For classroom-based accommodations, please submit your request via your AIM profile in the box titled ‘Accommodations Requests.’  Also, check to make sure you don’t need to provide updated documentation.  When in doubt, contact DRP to schedule a phone consultation before the deadline.

Final exam accommodations:

If you are only requesting exam accommodations, you must still register with DRP (i.e., you must submit the required documentation and participate in comprehensive intake meeting).  If you don’t already have a meeting scheduled with the Director, contact DRP.

**NOTE: Going to Student Health Services by the deadline is NOT the same as completing DRP’s registration process by the deadline! It is your responsibility to make sure your documentation is received by DRP well before the deadline to allow sufficient time to review, and that you have an appointment with the Director scheduled before the deadline.